
Emailing Docs is Good for You (and Them) - Who Knew? Kaiser, Apparently...

Patients who take advantage of secure patient-physician email options offered by their doctor are more likely to experience healthy outcomes, according to a recent study published in the journal Health Affairs. In a study of their own electronic health records system, Kaiser Permanente researchers found that patients suffering from diabetes and hypertension who emailed their doctors had higher quality of care scores than those who do not use such technology. 

A similar study, published simultaneously in Health Affairs, found that primary-care physicians must improve their communication skills in order to deliver "patient-centered care."

Read more: Patients who email their doctors are healthier, Kaiser study finds - FierceHealthIT http://www.fiercehealthit.com/story/patients-who-email-their-doctors-are-healthier-kaiser-study-finds/2010-07-12?utm_medium=nl&utm_source=internal##ixzz0tUwekYJb 
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